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Securities Law

Essentials of Canadian Law
3rd edition


Christopher C. Nicholls



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Essentials of Canadian Law

AUD $105.00 gst included

SKU: 9781552216873 Category: Tag:

Canadian securities law comprises a unique mix of enduring basic principles and constantly-changing technical details. This new book, by Jeffrey MacIntosh and Christopher Nicholls, provides a solid introduction to both. The book includes a survey of all of the “usual” securities law topics—including basic definitions, the public and exempt markets for securities, insider trading, continuous disclosure, take-over and issuer bids. But the discussion of these and other specific topics is interwoven with a careful consideration of larger public policy issues. The authors thus help guide the reader through the complex labyrinth of modern securities regulation by constantly highlighting the unifying thread of fundamental principles.

Preface to the Third Edition

Preface to the Second Edition

Selected List of Statutes, Regulations, and Abbreviations

Chapter 1: Canadian Capital Markets and Instruments

Chapter 2: The Origins of Securities Regulation

Chapter 3: Fundamental Securities Law Concepts

Chapter 4: Canadian Securities Regulators and Regulatory Instruments

Chapter 5: Securities Dealers, Advisers and Other Registrants, and Self‑Regulatory Organizations

Chapter 6: The Prospectus Process

Chapter 7: The Exempt Market (Private Placements and Other Exempt Distributions)

Chapter 8: Insider Trading

Chapter 9: Continuous Disclosure

Chapter 10: Take-Over and Issuer Bids

Chapter 11: Securities Law Enforcement

Chapter 12: Conclusion

Table of Cases


About the Author