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Information Warfare in the 21st Century?




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AUD $85.00 gst included

SKU: 9781552212035 Category: Tag:

Cyberlibel: Information Warfare in the 21st Century?  brings years of research and experience in libel and slander law into focus on how individuals and organisations can gain the upper hand in safeguarding – or restoring – their reputation once it’s assaulted on the Internet.

The book examines caselaw from all common law jurisdictions including Canada, the US, the UK, and Australia and provides practical strategies that can be used in defamation actions related to the Internet.

Cyberlibel: Information Warfare in the 21st Century? includes the following topics in Canadian and international defamation law:

  • What makes cyberlibel issues unique from a legal perspective
  • How to remove a defamatory publication from the Internet
  • Defences available for those sued for cyberlibel
  • Whether rules of conduct apply to bloggers and Facebook users
  • What constitutes invasion of privacy and injurious falsehood online
  • The liability of search engines and other third parties
  • Emerging case-law defining cyberlibel

This book represents a vital reputation-management tool for organisations of all kinds – from corporations and professional associations to government agencies and not-for-profits.

Part I: Introduction

Summary of My Personal Observations about Cyberlibel
How to Use this Book
Frequently Asked Questions
Summary of the Law of Defamation and its Application to Cyberlibel
Characteristics of the Internet
Differences and Consequences in Cyberlibel Litigation and Offline Libel Litigation
Should Internet-specific Principles of Law Be Adopted?

Part II: Preliminary Questions

Notice and Limitation Periods
Disclosure of the Identity of an Anonymous Author
Internet Libel Actions Stayed as an Abuse of Process in the UK

Part III: Remedies

Damages in Cyberlibel
Injunctions in Cyberlibel
Take Down Notices

Part IV: Cause of Action and Defences

Publication and Hyperlinks
Forms of Defamatory Meaning
Reference to the Plaintiff

Part V: Defences

Defence of Innocent Dissemination at Common Law
The Defence of Qualified Privilege
Defence of Responsible Communication on Matters of Public Interest

Part VI: Internet-Specific Subjects

Internet Intermediaries
Search Engines
User-Generated Content —Web 2.0 and Online Social Networks

Part VII: Privacy

Invasion of Privacy/Misuse of Private Information

Part VIII: Reference Material

Cyberlibel Damage Awards Granted
Cyberlibel Injunctions
Cyberlibel Jurisdictional Motions
Judicial Glossary of Selected Internet Terms
Annotated Bibliography on information Warfare
Table of Cases