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Corrections Criminology






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As prison populations increase in Australia and worldwide, Corrections Criminology is a timely stocktake of what we know about corrections. The book encompasses corrections in the community as well as private and public prisons, and is written by leading academics and senior practitioners.

The book covers seven main themes:

  • Trends in Correctional Populations (in Australia and worldwide)
  • The Objectives, Standards and Efficacy of Imprisonment, including key issues such as accountability, treatment of prisoners, security and privatisation
  • Special Prison Populations, such as Indigenous, female and ageing prisoners
  • Prisoner Health, including mental health and strategies for minimising self-harm
  • Rehabilitation and Reparation, including consideration of “what works?” and post-release support
  • Correctional Officers, particularly considering the changing career of corrections staff and 
  • Future Directions in corrections.

Corrections criminology
Sean O’Toole, Assistant Director, Learning and Staff Development, NSW Department of Corrective Services
Simon Eyland, Director, Corporate Research, Evaluation and Statistics, NSW Department of Corrective Services
World correctional populations trends and issues
Mike Bartlett – Manager, International Programs, NSW Dept ofCorrective Services
Prison populations in Australia
Kyleigh Heggie – Research and Information Manager, NSW Dept of Corrective Services
Australian Community Corrections population trends and issues
David Daley, Director, Community Corrections Victoria
Prisonography: Sources of knowledge and perspectives about prisons
Professor Lucien Lombard, Old Dominion University, US
Commissions of inquiry and penal reform
Professor David Brown, University of NSW
Security in correctional systems
Ron Woodham, Commissioner, NSW Department of Corrective Services
Privatisation in the corrections industry
Sean O’Toole, Assistant Director, Learning and Staff Development, NSW Department of Corrective Services
Human rights in corrections practice
Brian Tkachuk and Eileen Skinnider, International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, Canada
“Good corrections”: Implications for leadership and organisational performance
Ole Ingstrup, Commissioner, Correctional Service of Canada(1988-1992/1996-2000, President of the International Corrections and Prisons Association
Inspecting prisons
Professor Richard Harding, Inspector of Custodial Services for Western Australia
Causes and prevention of violence in prisons
Professor Ross Homel and Carleen Thompson, Griffith University
The over-representation of Indigenous persons in custody
Bill Anscombe, Charles Sturt University
Risk and responsibilities in women’s prisons
Professor Pat Carlen, Keele University, UK
Managing an ageing prison population
Dr John Dawes, Charles Sturt University
Prisoner health
Michael Levy, Director, Centre for Health Research in Criminal Justice, Justice Health NSW
Tony Butler, Research Manager, Centre for Health Research in Criminal Justice, Justice Health NSW
Tony Falconer, Consultant, Health & Medical, Queensland Corrections
Managing mentally ill offenders released from jail – the US experience
Professor Dale Sechrest, University of California, US
Associate Professor Don Josi, Armstrong Atlantic State University, US
Offenders with drug and alcohol dependencies
Maria Kevin, Senior Research Officer, NSW Department of Corrective Services
A framework for minimising the incidence of self-harm in prison
Dr Greg Dear, Edith Cowan University
Beyond what works – a retrospective of Robert Martinson’s famous article
Associate Professor Rick Sarre, University of South Australia
[This chapter was previously published under the title ‘Beyond ‘What Works?’: A 25 Year Jubilee Retrospective of Robert Martinson’s Famous Article’, The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 34 (1), 38-46, 2001.Reprinted with Permission]
Bridging the gap between prison and the community: Post-release support and supervision
Dr Stuart Ross, Centre for Criminological Research and Evaluation, Melbourne University
Private Prison industries in a time of science-based prison programming
Judy McHutchison, Senior Research Officer, NSW Department of Corrective Services
The effect of post-release housing on prisoner re-integration into the community
Dr Eileen Baldry, University of New South Wales
Ethics and the role of the Correctional Officer
Anna Grant, Crime Prevention Officer, Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission
Measuring prisons and their moral performance
Alison Liebling, Director Prisons Research Centre, Cambridge University, UK
Professionalising the Correctional Officer: The US perspective
Professor Don A Josi, University of California, US
Associate Professor Dale K Sechrest, Armstrong State University, US
Human resources analysis of the Australian corrections industry
Sean O’Toole, Assistant Director, Learning and Staff Development, NSW Department of Corrective Services
Towards crime prevention
Professor David Biles, Charles Sturt University
What future for the prison?
Paul Wilson, Professor of Criminology, Bond University

There are 28 well-researched chapters in this extensive volume. … This book is timely in opening up the wider issues of prisons and the criminal justice system as seen from an international perspective. Many of the issues pertaining to Australia find a parallel closer to home in the UK. …

The book deserves the widest possible readership, especially among those in the media and those involved in the administration of UK criminal .justice. … This book addresses debates in an intelligent, broad manner. It is essential reading for all interested in criminal justice and criminological examination of society.

Community Safety Journal (UK), Vol 5(2), April 2006

The book provides some interesting perspectives on prisons and will certainly achieve its aim as an introductory book that will raise key issues and stimulate some thought, despite the limits on its broader relevance. So, if you’ve been desperately looking for a general academic textbook on Australian prisons, particularly those in New South Wales, then call off the search. Today is your lucky day.

Prison Service Journal, No 161, September 2005

This comprehensive book of readings is particularly timely … The range of topics is ambitious, from prisonography; security in prisons, over-representation of indigenous people; managing the aged, mentally ill and women in prisons; ethics and professionalism of correctional officers to considerations of crime prevention and looking to the future. …

All of the pieces are fairly short, with most being under ten pages. The text runs to 232 pages. The format is clear and easy to follow. None of the articles is heavy with statistical tables but the references throughout to relevant statistics are generally clear, and usually form part of the narrative. These features make the book helpful and useful to students but also to busy practitioners and academics who are looking for a text to dip into for current specific pieces of information. Footnotes, when there are any, are found at the bottom of each page where they belong and the book is completed by an impressively lengthy and comprehensive bibliography. …
We can certainly recommend this book to prisoners who are interested in reading about the issues, principles and philosophical standpoints concerning the incarceration that they themselves are experiencing and we suggest it should be available in every prison library. …
We also hope this book is widely read by correctional services policy makers.

Inside Out, April 2005