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Discrimination Stories

Exclusion, Law, and Everyday Life




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AUD $49.95 gst included

SKU: 9781552215371 Categories: ,

Despite growing societal and media attention to problems of discrimination in Canadian society, legal concepts in equality and anti-discrimination law are not widely understood. Discrimination Stories: Exclusion, Law, and Everyday Life explores diverse legal cases brought before courts and human rights tribunals to help us understand the development of anti-discrimination law in Canada. The cases take us into — and teach us about — the concrete realities of inequality in everyday life. They portray the struggles of individuals, families, and communities seeking justice and legal remedies for the harms of discrimination. The cases also reveal both the strengths and limits of anti-discrimination law. They show that equality in our human relations cannot be crafted exclusively by courts or tribunals, despite their significance and importance. Drawing on the complexity and power of discrimination stories, this book is designed to expand our collective knowledge of the evolving legal concepts at the heart of equality law.



Be Careful Going Shopping: Racial Profiling in Everyday Life

When Rules Exclude: On Bowling and Equality

Excluded, Harassed, and Undervalued: The Struggle to Break Systemic Barriers

Taking Positive Steps: Equity Initiatives

Equitable Freedom and Dancing Shoes

Caring about Equality in Indigenous Communities

Seeking Justice and Belonging: The Complexity of Identity

When Speech Hurts: Conflicting Freedoms

Conclusion: With Glowing Hearts


Selected Additional Readings


About the Author

“First Nations families and communities have to litigate their way to equality until enough caring Canadians understand the longstanding systemic discrimination that undermines hopes, dreams, and opportunities. Colleen Sheppard’s book explains the meaning of discrimination — a concept central to our landmark litigation.” 

Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director, First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada

“This superb enriching book effectively uses wrenching incidents in the lives of ordinary people in Canada to teach us about indispensable legal principles and concepts in human rights, anti-discrimination, and constitutional law. Anyone interested in making our society an equitable and inclusive one in which all can fully participate will thoroughly enjoy Colleen Sheppard’s accessible writing style as she equips you to understand and work with principles that all need to know.”

David Lepofsky, disability rights advocate, chair of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance, and visiting professor at the Osgoode Hall Law School

“When Colleen Sheppard taught me over a decade ago in my legal studies, I remember that she made sure to bring to life the legal concepts she was teaching by anchoring them in the stories of the people touched by our regulations and laws, or by the failure of legal mechanisms and unequal access to justice to protect people’s dignity and rights. That’s what was most powerful to me in this account of stories. It’s the stories of these people that push us to advocate for change in our laws and processes. This is a must read for every law student and human rights lawyer.”

Dr. Tanya (Toni) De Mello, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion consultant and trainer and Assistant Dean of Students at the Lincoln Alexander School of Law