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Dr Scott Stephenson is a Lecturer at Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne. His research focuses on topics of Australian and comparative constitutional law and theory, including the migration of constitutional ideas, models of rights protection, federalism, and international law’s effects on domestic constitutional doctrines.

After receiving his BA and LLB(Hons) with the University Medal in Law from the Australian National University, he worked at the High Court of Australia, first as the Court’s Legal Research Officer and then as Associate (Law Clerk) to Justice Virginia Bell AC. He then obtained his LLM and JSD from Yale University. While at Yale, he held the position of Tutor-in-Law for two years, was awarded the Fox International Fellowship to spend a year undertaking research at the University of Cambridge, and visited the University of Copenhagen’s Centre of Excellence for International Courts (iCourts).

He has published in a number of Australian, Irish, UK and international journals, including Dublin University Law Journal, International Journal of Constitutional Law, Melbourne University Law Review, and Public Law.

He was was joint winner of the inaugural 2015 Holt Prize 2015 for Dialogue to Disagreement in Comparative Rights Constitutionalism.

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