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Professor David Brown is Emeritus Professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He has been active in criminal justice movements, issues and debates for over four decades and has served as a part-time NSW Law Reform Commissioner.

He has published widely in the fields of criminal law, criminology, criminal justice and penology, with 44 chapters in books and over 160 articles and conference proceedings published. He has co-authored or co-edited The Prison Struggle (1982); The Judgments of Lionel Murphy (1986); Death in the Hands of the State (1988); Criminal Laws in seven editions (1990), (1996), (2001), (2006), (2011), (2015) and (2020); Rethinking Law and Order (1998); Prisoners as Citizens (2002); The New Punitiveness (2005); Penal Culture and Hyperincarceration (2013), and Justice Reinvestment: Winding Back Imprisonment (2015).

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