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Daniel Connell is an environmental historian based at the Australian National University. For many years he worked as a journalist, broadcaster and oral historian investigating the many and various ways in which people interact with water in the Murray-Darling Basin. Some of that time was spent with the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, a situation that provided an insider’s view of the seemingly intractable struggles that characterise intergovernmental relations in the region.

More recently he completed a PhD that examined the contemporary debate about the future of the Murray-Darling Basin from the perspective of the National Water Initiative.

His current project, funded by Land and Water Australia, is an investigation of the impact on water planning in a number of states of the NWI’s requirement that all hydrological systems must be managed sustainably. These activities are part of a longer term project People and the Environment in the Murray-Darling Basin 1750 –2050.

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