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Non-Adversarial Justice

2nd edition


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AUD $64.95 gst included

This book outlines key aspects of the use of non-adversarial practices in the Australian justice system with reference to similar developments in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

It examines in detail non-adversarial theories and practices such as therapeutic jurisprudence, restorative justice, preventive law, creative problem solving, holistic law, appropriate or alternative dispute resolution, collaborative law, problem-oriented courts, diversion programs, indigenous courts, coroners courts and managerial and administrative procedures.

It identifies the common themes, values and principles that bring these disparate theories and practices together and explicates them for practitioners, courts and students. It examines the implications of these changes for legal practice, the courts and legal education.

This second edition discusses recent developments in non-adversarial justice that have seen the expansion of therapeutic jurisprudence into new areas of the law and changes in judicial practices, the expanding use of restorative justice and the waxing and waning of problem-oriented courts across Australia. It provides up-to-date information about the increasing number of evaluations of non-adversarial programs and the changing nature of legal and professional education in the light of these new theories and practices.

Foreword by The Hon Chief Justice Wayne Martin AC

1.  Introduction
2.  Therapeutic jurisprudence
3.  Restorative justice
4.  Preventive law
5.  Creative problem solving
6.  Holistic approaches to law
7.  ADR: Appropriate or Alternative Dispute Resolution
8.  Non-adversarial processes in family law
9.  Problem-oriented or solution-focused courts
10. Diversion schemes and intervention programs
11.  Indigenous sentencing courts
12. Managerial and administrative justice
13. Coroners
14. Implications for courts
15. Non-adversarialism and the legal profession
16. Non-adversarialism and legal education


Non-Adversarial Justice provides an overview of the range of ‘non-adversarial’ practices used in Australia. The breadth of the work is impressive: it covers practices extending well beyond litigation, into the everyday practice of law, and beyond the domestic context into the international arena. Read review essay…

Anna Olijnyk, UNSW Law Journal, October 2015

This is a useful guide for practitioners, students and those interested in the justice system. It is also a book that will challenge practitioners and students and will deservedly create discussion in both legal operational and educational spaces.
        The book provides information about an array of topics that fall within the non-adversarial justice space: holistic law, therapeutic jurisprudence, restorative justice, preventative law, and ADR. It also compares the Australian context with international counterparts, which assists in not only providing the background and context for these areas of law, but also in contrasting the operation of these in international jurisdictions.
        One of the useful functions of this book is the state-based Australian comparisons, with some useful tables giving a quick comparison of State jurisdictions.
        Students, practitioners and indeed those professions with any regular involvement in the judicial system would benefit from reading this edition, which is a well written, engaging and informative text. Read full review…

Harin Chandradeva, Ethos, ACT Law Society, Dec 2014

The foreword by Chief Justice Wayne Martin is a testament to his belief in both the concept of non-adversarial justice but also to the collection of work and its authors.

It provides an honest assessment of not just the benefits of, but also the shortcomings in, non-adversarial justice processes. It provides the history of these processes, and gives an overview of the plethora of programmes and initiatives within this lesser known field of the law. It is a highly informative book, that will assist lawyers and non lawyers in understanding the way non-adversarial initiatives can be integrated, to the benefit of the legal and broader community.

Susannah Hill, Brief, Law Society of WA, Nov 2014

Reviews of previous edition:

…it is a useful guide to emerging areas of the law and alternatives to common practices where people have been operating in the same way for many years. The significant impact alternative dispute resolution mechanisms have had over time is examined in detail and give weight to the argument that alterantives are being favoured over litigation for more cost-effective and efficient results in resolving disputes.

Law Institute Journal of Victoria, March 2010

The book in its totality is highly commendable. It owes its beauty to the fact that it will provoke thought and even instigate far-reaching arguments not only between lawyers but by wider legal system functionaries, sociologists, psychologists and the broader community. The authors have splendidly dissected the plenary dimensions of non-adversarial justice.

Nilay B Patel, Barriser and Solicitor of the High Courts of Australia and New Zealand, Alternative Law Journal, Vol 34 No 4, 2009

I am not a lawyer, but I am a conflict resolution practitioner, and it was a pleasure to read this book that offered deepening’s, reflections, and a comprehensive approach to the practice and the education of law and how this relates to justice.

Already being used as a Master book for a university subject, this book, published in Australia draws on the richness of both literature research, evaluation studies and the lived experiences of the authors bringing together a complete up to date guide on how non- adversarial justice is operating (dependent on political and financial support) in our present society. This book was written in Australia, and draws its richness and value not only from the detailed local knowledge of the systems, controversy, debates and happenings within the Australian borders, but takes us beyond incorporating places and practices that are have inspired and continue to add to the diversity of the what, why and in what conditions, non-adversarial justice is part of the living society.
Although this book could not be categorized as Chicken Soup for the Lawyer, it does offer an inspiring vibration that resonates with soulful justice.

Lynn Cole’s Global Mediation Blog – 10 November 2009

[The authors] bring home the gold. The impact of Non-Adversarial Justice should deservedly be immense …

Professor David B Wexler, University of Puerto Rico

The excesses of the adversarial system and the malaise that has descended upon the legal profession have prompted a basic rethinking of legal processes and the role of the lawyer. This book examines the emerging strands of what the authors call “non-adversarial lawyering.” Many of these developments have originated or been refined in Australia.

American lawyers and judges have much to learn from this extraordinary book, which represents the future of the legal profession and the processes through which law is administered.

Professor Bruce J Winick, University of Miami

Non-Adversarial Justice identifies the common themes, values and principles that bring these disparate theories and practices together and explicates them for practitioners, courts and students while examining the implications of these changes on legal practice, the courts and legal education.

Law Society of SA Newsletter

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