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New Women, New Men, New Economy

How Creativity, Openness, Diversity and Equity are Driving Prosperity Now


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At a time when demagogues are on the rise and the United States is threatening to build walls, New Women New Men New Economy is a reminder that building bridges and connections is what will keep us strong. 

This agenda-setting book, reprinted in 2016, outlines the increasingly powerful commercial imperative driving organisations to become creative, open, diverse and fair. 

The marketplace is choosing for us. Across the world we see organisations with more women in leadership roles delivering superior financial returns, increasing productivity and tapping the ingenuity of their people to tackle wicked problems. 

Companies, communities and countries that are more inclusive do better, innovate more, unleash new value and prosper long term.

Who are they? The authors introduce us to companies around the world, from Unilever and Google to Pixar and Arup; The Hunger Project; big consulting firms, banks and telcos; the Australian Army; as well as dynamic SMEs in Finland, Denmark, Silicon Valley and outback Australia.

How are they doing it? This provocative book shows that these ‘new’ women and men have cracked the leadership CODE that puts their most valuable competitive resource to work – their people. They are leaders who are embracing the principles of Creativity, Openness, Diversity and Equity and building the New Economy around us.

Find out what it takes to join them. New Women, New Men, New Economy brings together new global research, case studies and diagnostic tools to help guide you through. 

CODE UP: Creativity ignites competitiveness; Open speeds up innovation; Diversity boosts performance and problem-solving; Equity creates thriving teams and communities that build long term value.

For more information visit:

In the Media…

  • Narelle Hooper and Rodin Genoff speak to Patricia Karvelas on RN Drive. “Why women are the key to economic growth”, 25 February 2016 Listen to interview…
  • Harnessing the power of women. What Martin Parkinson can offer Malcolm Turnbull, The Sun-Herald, 1 November 2015 Read full article…
  •  All the difference in the world, AFR BOSS Magazine, October 2015 Read full article… 
  • The Deal, The Australian – Extract, 16 October 2015 Read full article… 
  • The Deal, The Australian – Story by Samantha Hutchinson, 16 October 2015 Read full article… 
  • Narelle Hooper and Rodin Genoff facilitated the New Women New Men New Economy session at the 2015 Advance Global Australian Awards and Summit at the Sydney Opera House, 14 September 2015 Watch them in action…


Foreword by Elizabeth Broderick
                         Co-Chair UN Women’s Empowerment Principles Leadership Group
                         Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner, 2007-2015



2.  New Women, New Men, New Value Creators
3.  Fast Future


4.  Creativity
5.  Openness
6.  Diversity
7.  Equity


8.   Inside the CODE
9.   Using the CODE
10. Conclusion: The Right Side of History

Appendix: The CODE Framework
About the Authors

“The conversation being had, in our own industry as in others, about the future of work in light of the likely increasing impact of artificial intelligence, automation and other game-changing technologies is both unsettling and exciting. Add to this a generation of young practitioners who often want very different things from their careers than the traditional model offers.
         The authors of this book say that a new capitalism is arising, in which power will no longer be tightly held by the traditional players, but will be open, participatory and fast-changing. If organisations are to adapt and succeed in the new economy, they must create the conditions where talent flourishes and new forms of knowledge and ideas can flow. …
         It seems to me that the rise of the so-called NewLaw, including virtual practices, franchise firms, the highly skilled “legal supertemp” and other flexible practices which operate more like consultancies and offer collaborative service delivery models, illustrates the application of a CODE-type thinking in our industry.
         They’re big ideas. But we’re entering a time of big challenges, in which it will be necessary for organisations, including law firms, to be positioned to activate 100 per cent of their talent.” 

Rebecca Crawford, Law Letter, The Law Society of Tasmania, Summer 2017

“This is an important book that is triggering important corporate conversations. The digital economy is upon us, and without equity and diversity of gender, ethnicity and age, organisations will struggle to compete on the global stage. Richly populated with statistics, diverse international insights, and current case studies, New Women New Men New Economy is required reading for successful modern management.”

Beverley Head, Business and Technology Journalist

“I think the book is terrific and I hope that the messages that are conveyed in it reach a wide audience.”

David Morrison, former Chief of Army and Australian of the Year, 2016

“I love the smell of optimism in the morning. With compelling case studies Narelle and Rodin ardently make the case that the future’s looking bright for businesses willing to take up the challenge of diversity in their people.”

Craig Kirchner, Abbey’s Bookshop

“Reading New Women, New Men, New Economy is like putting on 3D glasses at the cinema. It’s the same world but you see it in a whole new way. And when you can see it you can change it.”

Ross Hampton, CEO Australian Forest Products Association


Peter Martin, Economics Editor, The Age

“Been reading New Women New Men New Economy by Narelle Hooper and Rodin Genoff. Pertinent, sharp and relevant: a triumph of a work and a must-read for anyone engaged/interested in the new economy.
          You wanna be agile? Put gender front and centre.”

Peter Fray, Professor of Journalism Practice and Head of Journalism at the University of Technology, Sydney

“This is a fundamental change in the way we lead and manage… You get the culture of a company right, that is inclusive, that is transparent that unites people and people are making a difference every day and focused on customers, it is just incredibly powerful.”

David Thodey, former Telstra CEO, chair of CSIRO

“Highly recommended.”

Dr David Cooke, CEO Konica Minolta Australia

“A refreshing and compelling read. It powerfully distills the thinking and practices of inclusive, adaptive organisations that are thriving in our fast-changing economy.”

Lisa Cotton, CEO The Funding Network Australia

“Much better than 50 Shades of Grey.”

Julia Zemiro, MC and host of Rockwiz