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International Trade Law and the WTO


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This book is dedicated to the memory of Professor Azizur Rahman Chowdhury.

The book discusses some notable debates in the arena of international trade law and globalisation. It looks at the basic structure of the WTO, its function, and decision-making, and explores key economic and legal concepts underpinning the WTO, including Most-Favoured Nation Treatment and National Treatment.

The need of the hour is to discuss tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers, as they assist in promoting economic development. Besides these, the WTO attempts to control illegal trade practices, including dumping and subsidies, which are also pertinent topics in the current climate.

The book examines many of these issues through exploring the jurisprudence and regulatory framework of WTO. It examines the existing WTO jurisprudence to reconcile trade liberalisation with other societal values and interests. Furthermore, it highlights the regulation of international trade in agricultural products. Overall, this book shows that international trade law of the WTO is not a self-contained discipline, but has clear connections with other social, economic, and environmental subjects.

The WTO interacts with these issues, and thus the book discusses, clarifies and identifies its relationship with human rights, intellectual property rights and the environment. It discusses the following topics in single chapters; Trade, Globalisation and Economic Policy; WTO and Environment; WTO and Human Rights; WTO and Regulation of International Trade in Agricultural Products; WTO and Developing Countries. The book provides a unique, interdisciplinary, and refreshing approach to the study of international trade law and the WTO.

        Indira Carr, Shawkat Alam, Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Azizur Rahman Chowdhury
Trade, Globalisation and Economic Policy
        J Patrick Kelly
Origins of GATT/WTO
        Padideh Ala’i
WTO Dispute Settlement
        Elimma C Ezeani
The Most-Favoured Nation Treatment Principle
        Jakkrit Kuanpoth
The National Treatment Obligations Under the WTO
        Chang-fa Lo
Barriers to Trade in Goods and Services
        Shawkat Alam and Md Rizwanul Islam
Dumping and Anti-dumping Measures
        Razeen Sappideen and Ling Ling He
Subsidies and Countervailing Duties
        Cindy Galway Buys
General and Security Exceptions under the GATT 1994 and the GATS
        Glyn Ayres and Andrew D Mitchell
GATT/WTO Rules Governing the Use of Safeguard Measures
        David A Gantz
Regional Integration Exceptions, Balance-of-Payments Exceptions, Infant-Industry-Protection Exception, and Generalised System of Preferences Exception under the GATT and GATS
        Tareq M R Chowdhury and Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan
WTO and Environment
        Indira Carr
Four Points about Trade and Human Rights
         Raj Bhala
The WTO Agreement on Agriculture
        Joseph A McMahon
Intellectual Property, TRIPS and Development
        Anne Fitzgerald and Rami Olwan

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