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Essays in Honour of Chief Justice French




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AUD $135.00 gst included

This volume comprises six substantive papers and two replies each of which were presented at a colloquium held to honour the contribution of Chief Justice French shortly before his retirement from the High Court. The topics were chosen to reflect important aspects or themes from his Honour’s career and public life. Each of the papers represent a significant contribution to legal scholarship as well as providing a fitting tribute to his Honour’s significant contribution to the law.

The impressive contributors to this important volume are Justice Gordon and Justice Edelman of the High Court of Australia, Justice Katrina Banks-Smith of the Federal Court of Australia (Perth), Judges of Appeal Mitchell and Pritchard and Justice Corboy of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, Raelene Webb QC, former President of the National Native Title Tribunal and Professor Anne Twomey of the University of Sydney.

Foreword by Matthew Howard SC, President of Western Australian Bar Association, 2015-2018
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes

1. Statutory Construction as an Expression of Constitutional Relationships: Approaches of the French High Court
            Justice R M Mitchell

2. The French Court, the Nature of the Executive Power and its Reconciliation with the Expenditure Power
            Professor Anne Twomey

3. The Interaction between Science and Law – Legal Science or a Science of Law
            Justice Michelle Gordon

4. Science and the Law – A Reply to the Paper Given by Justice Gordon
            Justice Katrina Banks-Smith

5. Chief Justice French, Judicial Power and Chapter III of the Commonwealth Constitution
            Justice James Edelman

6. Chapter III of the Commonwealth Constitution – Commentary on the Paper Given by Justice James Edelman
            Justice Janine Pritchard

7. The French High Court – Some Comments on Principles, Policies and Appeals in Crime
            Justice Michael Corboy

8. No Mere Platitude – The Influence of Chief Justice French on Native Title
            Raelene Webb QC


While this is a fine book for anyone wishing to know more about Chief Justice French’s contributions to the law, each paper is a worthy addition in its own field which will repay the reader’s further reflection.

Queensland Law Reporter – 1 November 2019 – [2019] 43 QLR

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