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Clubs and Non-Profits: Keeping the Books

A Simple Manual on Accounts and Tax




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AUD $34.95 gst included

SKU: 9781862875609 Categories: ,

Clubs and Non-Profits: Keeping the Books has been written for the honorary treasurers and governing committees that are the backbone of Australian non-profit organisations such as sporting bodies, social clubs, hobby-based groups and charities.

Author Nick Renton AM analyses the financial responsibilities of honorary treasurers and governing committees and sets out their accounting needs, both during the year and for the annual report. It covers all essential aspects of keeping accounts, financial reporting, taxation and relevant management and membership issues.

Important topics covered include:
· Organisation structure, financial accountability, granting and revoking spending authorities
· Bookkeeping, budgets and financial statements
· Income Tax, GST and capital gain tax considerations
· Membership records, privacy and renewals
· Fundraising and donations
· Insurance and employment issues
· Use of spreadsheets, computers and the Internet.

Specimen financial statements with worked examples and a detailed glossary supplement the main text, which has been written in plain English with technical jargon kept to a minimum. No formal knowledge of accountancy or taxation is assumed.

Foreword/Preface/About the Author

Accounts during each year
End-of-year accounts
Other financial aspects
Management aspects
Membership aspects
Income tax
Goods and Services Tax
Computers and the Internet
