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Animal Law in Australasia

Continuing the Dialogue
2nd edition


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AUD $84.95 gst included

Many Australians and New Zealanders still assume that current animal welfare laws provide animals with sufficient protection from human mistreatment, that cruelty is the exception and that, when exposed, perpetrators are prosecuted. They are wrong on all counts.

Animal Law in Australasia, in its 1st edition, highlighted shortcomings in the existing framework and suggested ways in which the law could be improved. It was well-received, with critics calling it “a book to be applauded” (Laura Donellan, Journal of Animal Ethics), “a must for anyone … interested in animal rights and animal welfare” (Susan Briggs, Release Magazine) and even “a book that changed my life” (The Honourable Michael Kirby).

This 2nd entirely revised edition builds upon the significant developments in animal law that have occurred since 2009 and also addresses emerging areas of concern, with 11 brand new chapters.

Contributions from Australian, New Zealand and international academics and practitioners cover topics ranging from the explanation of basic concepts of animal protection and theoretical underpinnings of animal law to specific matters of interest including:

  • the regulation of companion animals
  • the use of animals in research
  • dog control legislation
  • animals in entertainment
  • the use of codes of welfare
  • the application of welfare standards to fish
  • the impact of WTO regulation on domestic efforts to control cruelty, and
  • Australia’s new regulatory regime for live exports.

David Weisbrot

Peter Sankoff, Steven White and Celeste M Black

The Protection Paradigm: Making the World a Better Place for Animals?
Peter Sankoff

Exploring Different Philosophical Approaches to Animal Protection in Law
Steven White

Farm Animals and Welfare Law: An Unhappy Union
Katrina Sharman

A Companion Animal’s Worth: The Only ‘Family Member’ Still Regarded as Legal Property
Tony Bogdanoski

Moral Panics and Flawed Laws: Dog Control in New Zealand
David Tong and Vernon Tava

Animals and Entertainment
Jackson Walkden-Brown

Codifying Animal Welfare Standards: Foundation for Better Animal Protection or Merely a Façade?
Arnja Dale and Steven White

Animal Welfare Law Enforcement: To Punish or Persuade?
Jed Goodfellow

Animal Cruelty Sentencing in Australia and New Zealand
Annabel Markham

Out of Eden: Wild Animals and the Law
Dominique Thiriet

The Conundrum of Fish Welfare
Celeste M Black

The Australasian Regulation of Scientific Animal Use: A Chimera of Protection
Andrew Knight

International Dimensions of Animal Cruelty Law
Ruth Hatten

Animal Welfare Regulation and International Trade Law: Developments at the WTO
Amokura Kawharu

Why it is Difficult to Make Meaningful Progress in Animal Welfare Law Reform
Sue Kedgley

The Animal Welfare Trade-Off or Trading Off Animal Welfare?
Elizabeth Ellis

Table of Cases

Table of Legislation


Contributors to the text are from Australia and New Zealand and include academics, practitioners and politicians. Some of the topics covered include farm animals and welfare law, the regulation of companion animals, the use of animals in research, dog control legislation, animals in entertainment, the use of codes in animal welfare, the application of welfare standards to fish, the impact of WTO regulation on domestic efforts to control cruelty, and Australia’s regulatory regime for live exports.
              The text raises interesting philosophical and regulatory issues affecting domestic, non-domestic and wild animals. This thought-provoking and pioneering text will absorb those interested in theories about animal rights.

Jane Grace, Ethos, ACT Law Society, September 2014

For those interested in or working in areas of animal welfare legislation, policy, codes and guidelines, enactment, monitoring or lobbying, the book offers valuable information and insights. Whether your purpose is to understand those calling for major changes in our legislative approach to animal welfare or to work more effectively to that end, you will find value here.

Dr Michael Hayward, Australian Veterinary Journal, September 2014

Reviews of previous edition:

This compilation is the first major Australasian textbook to be released in the burgeoning field of animal law … it presents the substantive law one would expect of a textbook … the contributors include academics in law, science and politics, practising lawyers, inhouse counsel for animal protection organisations and a politician. Between them they cover issues practical and theoretical, local and international, and canvass the legal regulation (or more accurately deregulation) of cruelty across a range of sectors, such as farming, science and sport. … This book will doubtless provoke further debate and critical analysis as public consciousness of the plight of animals increases.

David Glasgow, Secretary, Lawyers for Animals Inc., LIJ May 2010

The book is compelling reading for anyone with a strong interest in animal welfare, but is also a commendable read for students of jurisprudence, and those interested in a broader understanding of the concept of the law and the way in which legal regulation can promote social good.

NZ Lawer, June 2010

Animal Law in Australasia is a comprehensive effort with 17 chapters by 15 contributors. Despite the number of authors there is a consistency of style throughout that is testimony to the efforts of the editors.

It is refreshing, then, to see a book such as this – scholarly in approach but accessible in style – refining the quality of discourse and framing, as the subtitle proposes, a new dialogue.

Auckland University Law Review, September 2009

Animal Law in Australasia is a highly informative and well researched text on the current Australian and New Zealand law regulating the interaction between humans and animals. It is an ideal reference as it provides extensive footnotes, a case table, a legislation table and a detailed index. It would be of general interest to anyone intersted in the field of animal law, and animal protection law more specifically, but readers without legal training may find certain sections less accessible…this first edition does an excellent job of examining a broad range of legal issues in relation to animals and provides an invaluable resource.

Rural Society Journal, Vol 19 Issue 3, 2009

For the sake of the hundreds of millions of animals that suffer incalculably in Australia and New Zealand each year, hopefully this book will serve as a catalyst for positive change. The book is a heavy and often dispiriting real, but its underlying message is an optimistic one. By drawing upon the best principles of justice and compassion that underlie liberal democracy, Animal Law in Australasia shines a beacon of light for our legislators and judges to follow if they are brave enough to withstand the sheer power of the opposing force.

Deakin Law Review, Volume 14 No 1, 2009

…for those interested in the area who would like to find out more about the opinions of practitioners, academics and other leaders inthis field, it is a book worth exploring.

Law Society Journal of NSW, August 2009

A change is finally in the air for nonhumans

…for anyone involved in the legal side of animal welfare and rights, this book will provide a scholarly review of what’s going down in the southern hemisphere.

Vegan Voice, No 38 June-August 2009

This book is a scholarly examination of the legal relationship between humans and animals in Australai and New Zealand…The questions explored go beyond animal welfare and challenge the reader to think about the nature of legal interests, and practical and ethical contexts for a range of laws.

Law Society of South Australia, June 2009

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