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Susan Dennison is an Associate Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Griffith University. Her research sits within a criminology and human development framework, with a focus on social justice issues and the importance of using evidence-based research to inform policy change and prevent crime.

She is the recipient of more than $1.6M in national competitive research grants and consultancies on the topics of child maltreatment and juvenile offending, juvenile offending trajectories, and the effect of parental incarceration on the developmental outcomes of children.

Associate Professor Dennison has also written 28 scholarly articles, chapters and monographs on stalking, child maltreatment, juvenile offending, and applications of psychology to law. In 2009 she was one of only 200 researchers Australia-wide to receive a four-year ARC Future Fellowship. Her Fellowship addresses the critical question of whether parental incarceration substantially contributes to poor developmental outcomes for children, over and above parental criminality and other existing risk factors.

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