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Klaus Serr is a Senior Lecturer at La Trobe University and has held senior academic posts at Australian Catholic University and Addis Ababa University (AAU) in Ethiopia. Klaus is the former Manager of Research and Policy at International Social Service Australia where he still is Senior Research Associate. He was, until recently, an Honorary Senior Fellow at University of Melbourne and a visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Social Work, AAU, Ethiopia. Klaus developed the concept of Thinking about Poverty and has actively been engaged in research on homelessness and poverty since the 1990s. Klaus worked previously in the human services sector for more than 20 years in Australia, England and Hong Kong. His recent books include: with Rose, D, New Beginnings: Issues and Needs in International Kinship Care, (ASP, 2016); Zerstörte Träume (Sankt Michaelsbund Verlag Munich, 2014); Against the Odds: Poverty in Addis Ababa (ASP, 2013).

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