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Janina is a Senior Lecturer in the UNSW Faculty of Law, an ARC DECRA fellow, and the Director of the Administrative Law and Justice Project in the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law. Janina teaches and researches in Australian, Canadian and UK public law. Her work focuses on whether administrative law principles and institutions are ‘fit for purpose’ in light of the way modern governments function. Janina is the author, co-author and editor of several books, including Interpreting Executive Power (Federation Press, 2020) (edited with Lisa Burton Crawford) and Government Liability: Principles and Remedies (LexisNexis, 2019) (with Ellen Rock and Greg Weeks).

Janina holds a PhD from Monash University (for which she received the university medal), undergraduate degrees in Law and Economics (social science) from Sydney University (both with first class honours), and an LLM in Government Law from the Australian National University. She has previously worked in a number of legal, policy and research positions including in the Administrative Law section of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department, as a researcher in the Department of the Senate, and as Chair of Social Security Rights Victoria.

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