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Professor Anna Stewart is a former Head, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Griffith University and founder and Program Leader of Justice Modelling at Griffith. In 2007-2008, she was the Deputy Dean (Learning and Teaching) in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Key to her research is the reuse of government administrative data and she has examined the links between child protection, youth justice and the adult criminal justice system; system responses to youth offending and domestic violence; management of risk; effectiveness of diversionary responses and system modelling.

Professor Stewart has published over 50 peer-reviewed publications, government reports and non peer reviewed publications. She has been involved in partnerships that have obtained more than $3.6 million dollars in National Competitive Funding, consultancies and other government research funding.

A focus of Professor Stewart’s work is building the relevant partnerships to strengthen the integration of key research findings into legislative policy and practice development.

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