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Janet Taylor is Senior Researcher at the Brotherhood of St Laurence, Melbourne. With a background in social work and sociology, she has undertaken a range of research studies over many years on immigrants and refugees, health needs, young people, unemployment and attitudes to poverty. She joined the Brotherhood in 1988. One of her major projects at the Brotherhood has been the longitudinal Life Chances Study which she has worked on since into inception in 1990.

Her recent Australian Research Council partnerships with the Social Policy Research Centre at the University of NSW include: ‘Left out and missing out: towards new indicators of social exclusion and material deprivation’ and ‘Making a difference: building on young people’s perspectives on economic adversity’.

Janet has a MA Sociology from La Trobe University, and a BA and Diploma, Social Studies from the University of Melbourne, where she is an Honorary Senior Fellow, in the School of Social and Political Sciences.

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