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James Hunt BA, LLB joined Hunt & Humphry in 2011 after having worked in a large Perth commercial law firm for over two years.

James is a member of the Western Australian Committee of AMPLA – The Resources and Energy Law Association and has published various articles in the Australian Resources & Energy Law Journal.

James advises and appears on behalf of clients in relation to all litigious and commercial aspects of mining and infrastructure tenure and their interaction with other mining tenure, freehold land owners, government reserves, pastoralists and State and privately owned infrastructure in Western Australia. This includes the grant of mining tenements and infrastructure tenure, mining tenement acquisition and sale, due diligence, native title, freedom of information applications, access agreements, joint ventures, farm-in, split commodity agreements, royalty agreements and resources company acquisitions. He also appears regularly in the Western Australian Warden’s Court and appears in the Supreme Court of Western Australia and Court of Appeal in relation to forfeiture applications, tenement applications and other mining and infrastructure tenure applications, disputes, appeals and judicial reviews.

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