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Annotated Standing Orders of the New South Wales Legislative Council






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AUD $225.00 gst included

SKU: 9781760021566 Category:

The Annotated Standing Orders of the New South Wales Legislative Council is a comprehensive commentary charting the purpose, development and modern operation of the rules of procedure of the Legislative Council. Canvassing over 150 years of proceedings of the House and its committees, the Annotated Standing Orders provides interesting anecdotes and important precedents to rules in common use today and rules less seldom used, even obscure. The work renders the seemingly complex and impenetrable language and practice of parliamentary procedure in the Westminster tradition, as it has developed in the Legislative Council, accessible to members, parliamentary officers and others with an interest in parliamentary law, practice and procedure.

Key features:

  • A concise summary of the purpose and development of each current rule.
  • Explanations and examples of the practical operation of regularly used rules and the creative use of seldom used procedures.
  • A chronology of the adoption, repeal and amendment of the rules and orders of the Legislative Council since 1824.
  • Practical illustration of the role of parliamentary procedure in upholding the core principles of freedom of speech, the rights of the minority, and the function of the Council as a House of Review.


1. Repeal and Operation of Standing Orders
2. Opening of Parliament
3. Office of the President
4. Deputy President and Chair of Committees
5. Absence of President, Deputy President and Officers
6. Sitting, Quorum and Adjournment of House
7. Times of Sitting and Routine of Business
8. Journals and Records of the House
9. Tabling of Documents
10. Attendance
11. Questions Seeking Information
12. Petitions
13. Notices of Motions
14. Motions
15. Orders of the Day
16. Rules of Debate
17. Questions from the Chair
18. Amendments
19. Divisions
20. Addresses to the Governor
21. Messages from the Governor
22. Communications between the Two Houses
23. Conferences
24. Ballots
25. Public Bills
26. Private Bills
27. Committee of the Whole House
28. Instructions by the House to Committees
29. Private Members’ Business
30. Conduct of Members and Strangers
31. Visitors
32. Effect and Suspension of Standing Orders
33. Matters of Public Importance and Motions of Urgency
34. Citizen’s Right of Reply
35. Committees

APPENDIX: A Chronology of Procedural Developments in the Legislative Council Since 1823
